This top-rated collection of solo literature from the celebrated Rubank catalog is known by teachers and students everywhere. Each book offers a superb variety of solos customized for that instrument, and most state solo/ensemble contest lists include several solos from this collection. (Piano accompaniment sold separately.) Now available: Performance/Accompaniment CD ([...]) Solo Book with Performance/Accompaniment CD ([...]) Now students can perform these acclaimed solos with high quality recordings. Includes full performances by professional players, as well as piano accompaniment tracks.
This top-rated collection of solo literature from the celebrated Rubank catalog is known by teachers and students everywhere. Each book offers a superb variety of solos customized for that instrument, and most state solo/ensemble contest lists include several solos from this collection. (Piano accompaniment sold separately.) Now available: Performance/Accompaniment CD ([...]) Solo Book with Performance/Accompaniment CD ([...]) Now students can perform these acclaimed solos with high quality recordings. Includes full performances by professional players, as well as piano accompaniment tracks.